Clinical psychology and psychotherapy

A psychologist is a health professional who uses cognitive and intervention tools in the field of psychology (Art. 1 L. 56/89) for health purposes of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in the field of psychology (Ministerial Decree 17/05/2002).

In Italy, the practice of the profession, and of activities of merit in the field of clinical psychology, is reserved by law only for psychologists, who are duly registered with the professional register (accessed by 5 years of university studies in psychology, 1 year of internship and a State Examination; L.56/89).

Clinical psychology encompasses the scientific study and applications of psychology with regard to understanding, prevention, and intervention in psychological and relational problems (at the individual, family, and group levels), including the promotion of psychosocial well-being starting with the early identification of distress.

Services offered:

  • Individual counseling
  • Couples counseling
  • Family counseling
  • Parenting support
  • Psychodiagnostic evaluation
  • Rehabilitation in emotional, relational, behavioral or cognitive problems.